Tuesday, February 3, 2009

new drama..same face??


currently i'm listening 2 fall out boys new song entitled "America's suiteheart" yup..love that song like SOO MUCH..(well how much is so much after all?? I don't know) when we asked sumthg subjectives the answer is unpredictable..i mean it all depends on that 1 person..(beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder..day dreaming) ooppsss..suddenly sumthg came across my mind.. i remembered watching Malaysia Hari Ini (MHI) last week.. there's a new sitcom @ TV3 entitled "BEREK".. not interested to watch pun...but what so interesting bout it..the comments from "pelakon2 senior tanah air"..phew.. "rugi xtgk cite ni..ade mcm2 pgajaran" "cite paling best" "kalo nk tgk kami lakonkan watak lain dr yg lain kene la tgk cite ni"..n..so..n..so...

huhu...the same comments la..but 4 me..statement 2 sbnrnye da mgambarkan betapa xbest nyer crite 2..dtmbh lak dgn pelakon yg riuh rendah haruk piruk 2.. ( as human being i have a right to say what i like kan..phbbbbt) aku bukan la pengkritik bebas industri perfileman negara...n aku bukan boikot produk karyawan tempatan.. aku layan gak cite2 hasil karya jinggo & sheila rusly, rashid sibir, n sum 2,3 person yg hasil karya agak meletop gitu.. aku lyn gak filem2 tempatan yg menepati citarasa aku, n aku mmg lyn stesen radio berbahasa melayu n dgr lagu2 melayu. tp aku agak frust la sesetgh karyawan ni main tangkap muat jer nk hasilkan drama/filem/lagu..pas2 nk salahkan org ramai sbb dgr lagu2 dr seberang.

H.E.L.L.O..? peminat malaysia ni bkn nye lembap da..da pandai nk jd juri pertandingan realiti nih..pandai da nk tentukan sape juara AF, sape Gadis Melayu terakhir, sape yg sesuei dapat wang 1 juta...n so on..(xyah amek pape kos muzik kt mane2 institut pon..big grin) xfhm aku sesetgh penyanyi nih..main nyanyi jer lagu yg tahapehapetah.. kalo nk glamor pon pndai2 la..jgn main amek je tah pape lagu pon. lg 1 kalo ade iklan nk jd penyanyi ke, pelakon ke, pelawak ke... berduyun2 gamaknyer berlari nk uji bakat. sggup je berdiri n beratur sampai lemah lutut, tersimpul2 biawak (huhu..skt lg kaki ku ni kene simpulan biawak straight face) tp bile smpi depan juri...hancus. xde bakat pon tp nk gak myusahkan diri g audition.. nk ckp xtau diri xberbakat..marah lak..tp sedar2 sdiri la..kalo setakat nyanyi kt toilet n kene sound 2,3 x dgr org kt luo seda2 la sore awk 2 cmner.. ish2..ter"emo" la haku nih batting eyelashes

Love n Regards,

A.L good luck