Wednesday, April 27, 2011

wishing on someone's star..

Saya: pe saya nak semua tak dapat (nanges!)
Encik: Eh? Kan saya kata kalo nak amek la.. da awak xnak..wet untuk kamera awak saya da wat modified keta
Saya: ha? (saya Cuma nak kfc jer…pe kaitan dengan modified keta?

Huhu..rupa-rupanya..ada orang terniat nak bagi I kamera sony itu.. tapi sebab I malu-malu kambeng terlepas macam tu sahaja…lol? I memang pemalu pun nak minta2 ni.. (sangat la kan) owh well…it seems like im wishing on other people’s stars…huhuhuhu (rofl)

N my viva a.k.a cik comot saya sudah bertukar wajah..

  • bumper depan da tukar kaler itam ( kes langgar encik musang masa I nak balik melaka..hihi)
  • dah ada wiper baru sekarang ni..sgt seronok..
  • dah ade alarm n bunyik nyer sangat xmenyakitkan hati..
  •  xde da nak memalu bunyikkan hon yang masuk air (kes redah banjir =p ) sekarang bunyik da tip
  • yeay..da ade spoiler.. hikhik.. (n kt pintu da ade line..-_-“ xpandai nk sebut amende nyer itu)
  • and paling seronok dah ade spotlite yg comel..(beserta suis!) ekekekekeke –I loike!

Makne…I xleh panggil keta I cik comot da.. terpakse panggil die encik comot (ekekekekeke) but still kaler imago gak…-sgt berharap dpt tukar kaler purple or pink..ala2 honda jazz…huhu

Sbb xde kamera yang canggih maka xpat la nk tepek gamba encik comot dulu n sekarang.. –tulah pemalu la sangat kn.. lol..makna nyer kene la kumpul wet sdirik yer cik ana,…bubye sony cybershot..huhu.-

P/s: leh ke encik kate I ni budak sivik sebab keta I dulu sangat skema (xubah pape sejak beli keta) HELLO! Harus la xubah pape.. I kedekut nak kuar kan wet modified itu ini.. lol.. (walhal..xpandai nk mekap keta santek2..hahahaha)


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

today was a fairytale

“”Argon is a chemical element represented by the symbol Ar. Argon is the third most common gas in the Earth's atmosphere, at 0.93%, making it more common than carbon dioxide.

Arginine (abbreviated as Arg or R)[1] is an α-amino acid. The L-form is one of the 20 most common natural amino acids.””

Huhu..its about a year since I left my student life..(a year n 4 moths to be precise) ok I still didn’t manage to graduate this year as a master student ( for crying out loud…!) minus other people mistakes, I blamed myself for being soooo slow in writing my thesis (sometimes I wish I’d taken coursework..then only I can graduate in a year!) -_-“ just a pathetic me as always..lalalalala

Back to argon and arginine.. this is a story about a girl who always confused, clumsy and not far from mistakes ( this is not a long-long time ago..far far away story to tell..hihi) as usual this girl (I named her Ms. B) will wear baju kurung to office (duhh..well she’s soo old fashioned in many ways..ehem) she will do her jobs as account exec (quite fascinating as she didn’t do well in her own account but now she’s in charge in whole set company’s account –ok..this is a bit naik bakul angkat sendiri..) 

And it’s time of the year where the company has to do some audits (-_-“) –she wished for some-handsome-like-anuar-zain auditor will come..but then it’s a big NO! lol… she just had to compile all those important files..etc…etc and then send it to auditors (owh well..just assume the auditor is someone who as scary as nightmare monsters..huhu – sedapkan ati jer) then a few gas invoices came before her very own eyes.. she read it a while as she wrote the details of her notebook…and came across symbol ARG.

Surprisingly, she told ade ke org gune gas arginine? Eh bukan arginine tu peptida ke? Camner leh jadi gas…and so on…wonder if she’s a biologist-to-be (she used to…long time ago..huhu) and she called her assistant, asked her what’s the used of that ARG to our company..(pemikiran kritis dan kreatif hokey!)

Then ..
“ gas argon? Owh.. tu untuk customer kak.. dulu kita supply ni tak amik da” she smiled as she replied Ms. B..

lol? Argon? Isn’t it supposed to write AR?

Oh well.. it seems the-ex-biologist-to-be is mixed up

Monday, April 25, 2011

wishing on stars

=) A week and a day before my 27th birthday.. (happy) well.. I know there will be nothing special happening on that day (especially when I have to cut-off my holiday n work on my special day..huhu)..but still am wishing for something… (ok..ill attach the picture of something that I really want at this moment)

it’s a sony cyber shot camera (lol) ok..i’ve once dreamt of DSLR but then I realized I will never get that one no matter how long I have to save money etc etc.. (~bad ana~) this one..its cost RM699 (-_-“) if there’s someone who generous enough to buy it for me as birthday! haven’t got any present since im graduated (degree =p )

owh well..if only dreams will come true…(ok it will..only if I buy it!) perhaps I better saving for this October as I have to renew my car’s insurance n road tax n bla..bla..bla..

but still… (sambil pejam mata kuat2 n doa…) I want this for my birthday!!!!!

(as if my prayers will be answered….pathetic me…huhu)

Saturday, April 23, 2011


how much u resemble ur mother? ~me?

i will totally get mad when ppl said im much more like my mom when i was a child.. back then, i thought i will never ever be like her as i dont want to be old and protective. for me..we should do whatever we want and face any circumstances due to our action... ~how stupid i that time..

i am a bad daughter ever exist ~i guess...its my own perception~

  • saya selalu marah kalo mak simpan bekas2 plastik kat dapur..~sebab bagi saya lebih elok guna bekas kaca dan nampak lagi menarik
  • saya marah kalo mak cabut rumput belakang rumah, kemas rumah, masa mak cuti sebab bagi saya mak perlu berehat 
  • saya marah kalo mak gi tolong orang kat kenduri2, sebab saya tau mak saya akan wat semua keje ~mak sangat rajin~anak perempuannya..sangat la akas
  • saya marah kalo mak lebih kan anak org lain kes jeles...sebab saya sangat rapat dengan mak..kami macam adk beradik
  • saya hangin kalo mak larang g mane2 sebab saya rasa xde kebebasan


  • waktu saya kerja pon sama dengan mak..sabtu half-day n ahad cuti.. saya xkn rehat pon..balik keje terus mask utk adk.. n petang saya akan kemas belakang rumah yg penuh dgn rumput dan daun2 kering
  • ahad..saya akan kemas satu rumah..mop lantai, kemas dapur, masak, basuh + lipat + iron baju..
  • bekas2 plastik? saya simpan jugak sbb lebih senang digunakan time masak
  • nak g jalan2? xde masalah..start enjin kereta leh je gerak ke saya xkuar pon.. sebab saya rasa lg selamat di rumah 
  • berleter? owh tidak..huhu..saya cume sedikit tegas dengan adik2 saya dlm pelajaran.. hal lain saya xmasuk campur..cuma da jadi kebiasaan adik2 saya minta pandangan kakak nya yg xberape nk betol..=)
the new me...

when ppl asked me how much i resemble my mother..i will smile n said..we are twins =) n i am proud of it.
fear of getting old? nope..cant wait to be old.. n be just like my mother.. she's a lovable woman i ever met.. easy to love, easy to be loved..

well..she's my mother.. n i love her..alwiz..


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

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Friday, April 8, 2011

test market..

RM 43.00 / Pair

RM 45.00 / Pair

to be continued....