Tuesday, December 23, 2008

the 'Needs'

Ct : Abah, nnt belikan ct layang2 ek

Abah Ct: Bg la wet ct, nnt abah blikan (teasing the girl)

Ct: Ala..ct ne ade wet..leh la abah..

Ct 2 anak jiran aku..sab2 lepas aku nmpk die main dpn umah.. ikat plastik kaler merah (ala yg plestik bungkus bese 2) dgn tali pas2 lari2 la..(ala2 layang2 versi die la..) pas2 tgh ayah die tol2 kan enjin keta, dia berdialog la dgn abah die (spt di ats..) she's a typical skoolgal (bdk darjah 2@3).. slalu myanyi kt blkg umah n ske main air kt laman..(so much reminding me 2 my childhood) =D actually die nk main lyg2 pon sbb rakan sbaye pon bz2 main mende 2.. yup..pengaruh rakan sebaye..=p

[caption id="attachment_130" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="childhood"]childhood[/caption]

as we grew older..the needs change a lot.. keperluan utk siapkan keje b4 end of year really hit me.. phew! keje xsiap2..(aduh..siapkan la cpt..yup! sape xnk siapkan...juz i'm really stuck!) even if i can settle my tasks, sum1 will give me a gift (Mr.Z..grrr!) i really think i cant manage 2 complete it (huh..) dahla dgn xde air kt umah aku dr ahad pas smpi ari nih..terbako je rs..smpi bile pon xtau la..(oish but aku MANDI k..xde nyer aku nk berlengas segala ) mandi kt masjid ukm lg dgn et (my hozmet..tggl aku n die je kt umah..) pas2 anto die ke sony n jeng..jeng..jeng (elemen komedi seram ) ms die otw ke sony 2 ternampak la mamat yg die minat muncul secara misteri ala2 edward cullen .. pas2 excited la et 2 jmp buah ati..(yelah pasni die cuti pnjg until new year..so ms ni la nk jamu mate..hikhik)

[caption id="attachment_131" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption=""I love this part =p""]"I love this part =p"[/caption]

well..otw ke lab then i realised that i almost forgotten how does it feels when u met sum1 u secretly admire.. yup..there was a time but it so damn long ago..whistlingexcited sgt nk tgk die, xdpt tgk org..dpt tgk brg2 die pon jd la..(MAKNE NYER buku ker, beg ker, cap ke...hee hee) sume pon pernah rs kan.. normal la..(or it juz me?) n then ke MGI lak 1 hal...yup doing pathway analisis lak aku kene gune 1 software ni..tp ..humaih... pyh bebeno nk wat.. dahla aku tgh bengong2 nk wat mende alah 2..ade la pulak sorg chinese gal ni dtg2 trus ltk beg kt krusi n hentak2 brg, dgn tekan2 keyboard dgn ganas segala..humaih.. geruns aku kt sebelah.. (pe hal lak minah nih..? PMS ko? gaduh dgn balak ko? I don't know) ntah la..pas2 gak ah pc 2 lambat trus die ke pc lain lak... hehe..

[caption id="attachment_132" align="aligncenter" width="243" caption="tahapehapetah"]tahapehapetah[/caption]

n now i'm back @ my workplace.. so stress la..i mean my life's so dull..i'm so-home type..n when i am stress all i can do is sleep n eat.. (that's the main reason y i cant get rid of my chubby cheek..shame on you) yesterday i tried to change my blog layout..try 2 get rid off black color.. but seems like i do 'like' this dull-sorrow black color with no reason.. is it the reflection of my 'true' identity? or am i some kinda gothic person? (i do love sum pics of gothic oh go on) besides..i love my desktop in black color..there's a pic but i'll make sure it's not too bright nor have too many colors.

hurm..back 2 Ct..last sunday finally i saw her playing with her kite..it juz a cheap ordinary kite 4 us..but 4 a kid like her..it means a lot..