Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Salt n Pepper

phew..long holidays i guess..hehe..ari raye korban + cuti selangor..hehe..IM LOVIN' IT..=p. yup..byk yg berlaku last week..but dtg2 lab trus cek result...alhamdulillah..(even xdpt 4plet..hehe) tp beyond my xpectations la..ingat kan dpt worse than last sem..but it's better actually.. (i'm not that optimistic person..n mind u..i'm not) aku slalu jer pk bende2 ngarut..means bad things will happen 2 me.. coz sumtimes i think..i'm not worth at all 2 get all the beautiful things in the world. but..thankful..until recently nothing SO BAD happen to me..

n my Queen Bee came back 2 me..huhu..really mish her la..she's my BFF after all..(pas most of my BFFs got married la..) slalu kalo ade bende yg menghanginkan kepala hotak haku, aku slalu la mbebel sorg2 dgn die..hehe (wait! bkn ke aku mmg ske bermonolog dgn diri sdiri? hehe =p)