until recently i didnt get opportunity to drive ALONE far from bangi to melaka.. things turned a bit different when i got the chance to drive to kuantan.. (EVENTUALLY!! i really didnt expect that..huhu) at first, i was so excited (n it was easy coz what i'd got to do was followed mekcah
) n as i arrived at temerloh "sumbody" took turn to drive Queen Bee 4 me to kuantan..(wee..) n i took the chance 2 sleep in the car while he was driving
..(i'm so into sleep-till-i-drop) n mind u it was so pleasant as i didnt have 2 drive myself 4 about 4 days..
BUT...good things alwiz comes to end..i had 2 drive back to bangi..alone (once again..huh! sigh ) it really worried me a lot as i've alwiz loss my sense of direction..(in other word..LOST!
) but i do managed to arrive at ampang n had a terrible jammed
.. the real adventure was beyond that, tho.. i missed 1 exit n had to drive until puchong n at that moment i became panicked! i called mr.z (he already aware bout the bluntness of my sense of direction..
) n...suddenly my phone turned off (dam* that battery!!
) i'm so scared n started to shed tears when i realised i'm LOST! I ENTERED THE WRONG EXIT (as i didnt noticed the signboard written bangi after kajang!) n that exit made me drove the same place twice (with the terrible jammed at seri kembangan!) as i drove the lebuhraya skve second time..i pray to God for the guideness n often told myself that i had 2 believe n help myself this time..(as the phone didnt work 4 me to call or sms any1 n i am alone driving back home) the motivation i gave 2 myself really worked.. i didnt feel afraid nor panic. n i was safely arrived home.. (n mr. z kept calling n sms-ing my housemate since he couldnt contact me..
which i think..it's a bit pathetic 4 me as every1 knew 'm lost..
this experience make me realized that i have to have a good motivation n determination here in me. coz.. notwithstanding in a difficulty when no 1 can saves me..i am alone who can help myself..and of course GOD is the 1 alwiz be there.. like a bird which starting 2 fly..here i am..learning to take care of myself, trying to be less clumsy, avoid of being a cry baby..n most important at all..try to standing on my own feet..
p/s no wonder my father alwiz take a look at a map if he ever wanted to go to places he never went .. geess..have to get myself a map of selangor n malaysia..huhu (adding a new resolution in my list!
Love n Regards,