juz when i thought life could be harder..yup it is.. there are so much choices in our life n yet we often make mistakes in making choice.. juz when i thought i could lay down at night, sleep restless, n when i wake up the next morning all my troubles will fade away..nope! life wasnt that easy.. i often have a daydream being a sleeping beauty (that fairy tales lor
) yup..my fav fairy tales la.. sleeping! have a deep sleep n then when i wake up there's a prince..(ops..juz cut the prince scene k
) i juz want all the hectic n chaotic episodes in my life end soon enuff..
what a silly me..ntah la..worry is like a rocking chair..it gives u sumthg 2 do but doesnt take u anywhere. so..juz stop worrying.. n hoping there's a tiny little rainbow at the end of my journey this year..