hye! it's morning n a cold 1 especially with the combination of raining n well-operated air-cond..hikhik.. i was driving from my hometown this morning when i was "meet-up" by 2 kinds of men.. yup..the heart-cold 1 n the sweetest 1..(^_^) as i was driving thru seremban r & r in 2nd lane suddenly there was a "wira" MA* 9985 came juz beside me about a few inches with a high speed..i was so shock luckily i managed to remain calm so that i didnt lose control of my car n terbabas on the other lane..huh! relieved..that was a close one.. n that guy..juz as rude n reckless he was..juz smiling! maybe he'll be glade if i get crash n gambling my life out there on the road..
then..i'd continue my journey with a good heart rate.. with a speed of 90-95km/j..(in spite of 120-140kmj i'd usuallly do =p hey! who doesnt at the highway!) left for bangi sign n i noticed there was a honda JLE 141 n the driver is a man (with a woman beside) i gave that car a way as he seemed 2 hurry..n he waved me after that about 2,3 times.. n i smiled..=) (well..i didnt dare 2 wave back as i thought maybe he wasnt wave at me) haha..isnt that sweet? haha..i dont know whether he's young or old..but as long as u're good 2 anybody.. u r beautiful..=)