- 27th july 2009 (epi bday abah ;D )
it's almost August.. well that means another 4months 2 go b4 new year.. i know i didnt update my blog quite sumtimes.. i took me like forever to stare at my blog page, click 2 new post but then write nothing to it.. i presumed facing life each day is easier rather than to experience n rewrite it into a different kind of opinion..in other words - blogging it..the same things happened to my thesis.. donno where to start and eventually lost in what i'd tried to focus.. (weird!) owh..yeah..recently i had a "long-vacation"..hihi..well it's wasnt so long actually..juz taking a week off from some tasks..(i guess ;p) kind of exhausted when u have to be patient when sum1 really pissed u off, making innocent faces like it's-not-my-fault-n-i'm-the-victim-here, accusing ppl hypocrite whereas the 1 that hyper is oneself actually.. well.. me? i'll try to stop being hypocrite to myself when i will reveal anythg that i know i wont tolerate anymore in my blog..it's mine n who cares what ppl might say! owh yeah..cant wait till next week..got the feelings that it's gonna be a wonderful week ;p
-28th july 2009
i still dont understand whattheheck "us" should attend sum kind of workshop that involved lamina flow, autoclaf etc..etc.. n the worst part "we" HAVE 2 attend the demo workshop in the afternoon.. what a crap!! but the best part when it came 2 majlis penutup..i was escaped! hihi...ahh..lantak..malas aku nk melayan kerenah birokrasi kt cni, umah sewa lg..ahh..sume nye memeningkan kepala.. ;p ..wasnt a surprise when "we" get busted while "lepak"-ing kat pantri..(menyampah la..asal "kami" xde jer nk kecoh 1 bangunan.. pe ingat best sgt ke dok 1 aras dgn pengarah!! hahahaha) ntah la...xfhm aku..knp la ade manusia yg perlu tunjuk bagus, terlebih baik..(dgn laki bkn muhrim/mahram xleh dekat tp bdating dgn pakwe xpe ..ke? ), ske bersaing yg sgt la xsihat..tahapehapetah lg.. soo lame la.. n stop tunjuk muke xbersalah, pure2 baik dpn sume org...wanita lindungan kaabah kunun..walhal busuk nyer xhingat!! (opps..refer 2 bau yg kuar secara smulajadi- samada dr mulut, keti, n so on ;p)
p/s- sorry it's the mean-est part inside me that write this ;p