Wednesday, December 8, 2010

welcoming a new life

maybe i was pacified with my life..maybe i was forgotten how miserable i used to be..maybe i was foolish to let go of everythg i'd believe..maybe... -maybe if i stop saying "maybe" i dont have to think about it

owh sy sudah bertukar wajah -wacccaa- sy xmenafikan fitrah seorg manusia yg ingin myayangi & dsygi.. tp bkn la pd bangsa sekaum.. sbb sy percaya hamba2Nya diciptakan berpasangan berlainan jantina. sy jarang on fb utk mengetahui perkembangan kwn2 sy skrg ini..cuma mengisi ms dgn bermaen ravenwood -i loike- namun sy tertarik utk mendalami profile seorg lelaki ini. ye..semua manusia itu istimewa. dan die lebih istimewa jika die bijak memainkan peranan hidup dgn sewajarnye. lelaki ini mempunyai personaliti yg menarik, dan seandainye die "bertindak" sbgi jantina yg dikurniakan sjak lahir pastinya ramai wanita akan tertarik dgnnya. tp apakan daya..walau dikumpulkan sejuta wanita paling cantik di dunia masih tidak mampu menawan hatinya kerana die lebih tertarik dgn insan yg bernama "LELAKI". 

sy berdoa teman itu akan dpt hidayah suatu hari nanti. 

-jelas kini kenapa sy slalu menggunakan bahasa inggeris sbgi bahasa utama post sy..sbb bhs melayu sy sgt lemah..menangis smbil mkn brokoli-

Friday, December 3, 2010

the girl who said..I DOnt..

currently im falling in love with ravenwood fair in fb.. n yesh..m gaining like 7kg total weight is 59kg!! wow..that is marvelous.. lol.. with not too tall size n gaining weights like that i could imagine myself being a petite yet plus size model! -laughing- oh plesh..i do love myself -beyond every women n sumtimes we do have to laugh at ourselves.. -we r not sum perfect creatures-

i dont - agree with using plastic bags  but what can i do if 1 whole world using it "generously" ? i can use friendly eco-bag every time i want to buy sumthg n say no every time the cashier want to give me plastic bags. n i m totally support some market that avoid plastic bags usage (even for 1 day in a week) that surely helps a lot.

i dont - amuse by P.D.A using fb from some lovey-dovey couples that keep praising each other, give "sweet" statement how much " i love u " to their significant one, or some statement they wrote n dedicate it for their kids who doesnt know fb yet doesnt even know how to read.. ROFL.. come on la.. u can alwiz use msg  in fb or  hello.. there is cellphone that u can alwiz use to connect with ur love need to tell the world la..but those were common things ppl do to show how perfect their life are? totally big N-O.

I dont - care how much u know how to cook everythg by showing those perfect meals pic u have invented. -sounds meanie but do i look i care?- does it important to show world that i could actually beat "top chef" ? or dont hate me coz u aint me as i know how to impress ppl by making this, this n this? LMAO.. -gosh i wonder why i hate social network these days.. -


i do - admire a couple that i didnt even notice them until 1 day i met this lovely lady using frenster. -she's a fren of a fren of a fren of a fren..well actually we r in same n that time shes about to get marry with a humble guy (same matriks also) shes not a hot chick type but shes sweet. n now they already have a child. i alwiz stalking them (hihi via fb ofc) no need those sweet words to express how they feel towards each other using fb (which can annoy ppl such as me..huhu)

i do - have a long distant relationship.. n dont tell how much difficult it is as ive been thru it for 10 years.. only God knows how it feels..

-statement dari seorg gadis kerdil di bumi ini-

wendu pd bukit broga..