Thursday, July 30, 2009

through sleepless nites..sigh!


Insomnia is a symptom of any of several sleep disorder, characterized by persistent difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep despite the opportunity. Insomnia is a symptom, not a stand-alone diagnosis or a disease. By definition, insomnia is "difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, or both" and it may be due to inadequate quality or quantity of sleep. It is typically followed by functional impairment while awake. Both organic and non-organic insomnia without other cause constitute a sleep disorder, primary insomnia.(source : wikipedia)

[caption id="attachment_289" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="'m becoming in a few"]'m becoming in a few[/caption]

gess..i thought i was sleeping, but i havent got any dreams, n i didnt feel like sleeping when i woke i'm juz laying, hugging patrick n..blur..!! m i thinking 2 much or 2 deep? na-ah.. i tried counting sheeps, saying my name times n times again, reciting prayers angel, thinking of mr. z ( wonder xleh tdo ke hypnotized) but nothing works even there's a huggable patrick by myside!! i really mish my night sleep..where i can dream n have a gud rest blushing.. i'm so tired, sleepy but when i try 2 sleep..puffff..everythg's seems fade away..owh! what a crap i'm talking bout.. rite now..i juz cant feel my own legs, my eyes want to close tightly eveytime they blink..xkire lg bp byk kali da mnguap.. the worst part..i dont want to eat but desperately yearning to sleep..

[caption id="attachment_291" align="aligncenter" width="280" caption="soo...tired"]soo...tired[/caption]

perhaps..i could get a gud sleep tonite.. i dont care i really want it!! a lot!! or else i'll the picture belowwhistling..haha


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

and so..the mean girl is back..

- 27th july 2009 (epi bday abah ;D )

it's almost August.. well that means another 4months 2 go b4 new year.. i know i didnt update my blog quite sumtimes.. i took me like forever to stare at my blog page, click 2 new post but then write nothing to it.. i presumed facing life each day is easier rather than to experience n rewrite it into a different kind of other words - blogging it..the same things happened to my thesis.. donno where to start and eventually lost in what i'd tried to focus.. (weird!) owh..yeah..recently i had a "long-vacation"..hihi..well it's wasnt so long actually..juz taking a week off from some tasks..(i guess ;p) kind of exhausted when u have to be patient when sum1 really pissed u off, making innocent faces like it's-not-my-fault-n-i'm-the-victim-here, accusing ppl hypocrite whereas the 1 that hyper is oneself actually.. well.. me? i'll try to stop being hypocrite to myself when i will reveal anythg that i know i wont tolerate anymore in my's mine n who cares what ppl might say! owh yeah..cant wait till next the feelings that it's gonna be a wonderful week ;p

-28th july 2009

i still dont understand whattheheck "us" should attend sum kind of workshop that involved lamina flow, autoclaf etc..etc.. n the worst part "we" HAVE 2 attend the demo workshop in the afternoon.. what a crap!! but the best part when it came 2 majlis penutup..i was escaped! hihi...ahh..lantak..malas aku nk melayan kerenah birokrasi kt cni, umah sewa lg..ahh..sume nye memeningkan kepala.. ;p ..wasnt a surprise when "we" get busted while "lepak"-ing kat pantri..(menyampah la..asal "kami" xde jer nk kecoh 1 bangunan.. pe ingat best sgt ke dok 1 aras dgn pengarah!! hahahaha) ntah la...xfhm aku..knp la ade manusia yg perlu tunjuk bagus, terlebih baik..(dgn laki bkn muhrim/mahram xleh dekat tp bdating dgn pakwe xpe ), ske bersaing yg sgt la xsihat..tahapehapetah lg.. soo lame la.. n stop tunjuk muke xbersalah, pure2 baik dpn sume org...wanita lindungan kaabah kunun..walhal busuk nyer xhingat!! (opps..refer 2 bau yg kuar secara smulajadi- samada dr mulut, keti, n so on ;p)

p/s- sorry it's the mean-est part inside me that write this ;p